- pictorial
- графическая форма, графическое изображение
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
Pictorial — Pic*to ri*al, a. [L. pictorius, fr. pictor a painter, fr. pingere to paint. See {Paint}.] Of or pertaining to pictures; illustrated by pictures; forming pictures; representing with the clearness of a picture; as, a pictorial dictionary; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pictorial — index descriptive, suggestive (evocative) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pictorial — pictoriál ( ri al) s. n., pl. pictoriále Trimis de gall, 21.02.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 … Dicționar Român
pictorial — (adj.) 1640s, from L. pictorius of a painter, from L. pictor painter, from pp. stem of pingere to make pictures (see PAINT (Cf. paint)). The noun meaning journal in which pictures are the main feature is first recorded 1844 … Etymology dictionary
pictorial — *graphic, vivid, picturesque … New Dictionary of Synonyms
pictorial — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of or expressed in pictures; illustrated. ► NOUN ▪ a newspaper or periodical with pictures as a main feature. DERIVATIVES pictorially adverb. ORIGIN Latin pictorius, from pictor painter … English terms dictionary
pictorial — [pik tôr′ē əl] adj. [LL pictorius < L pictor, painter < pp. of pingere, to PAINT] 1. Rare of a painter or painting 2. of, containing, or expressed in pictures 3. evoking or suggesting a mental image or picture; vivid; graphic, as a… … English World dictionary
pictorial — I. adjective Etymology: Late Latin pictorius, from Latin pictor painter more at picturesque Date: 1646 1. of or relating to a painter, a painting, or the painting or drawing of pictures < pictorial perspective > 2. a. of, relating to, or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pictorial — pictorially, adv. pictorialness, n. /pik tawr ee euhl, tohr ee euhl/, adj. 1. pertaining to, expressed in, or of the nature of a picture. 2. illustrated by or containing pictures: a pictorial history. 3. of or pertaining to the art of painting… … Universalium
pictorial — [[t]pɪktɔ͟ːriəl[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Pictorial means using or relating to pictures. ...a pictorial history of the Special Air Service. ...pictorial images. Derived words: pictorially ADV Each section is explained pictorially … English dictionary
pictorial — pic|to|ri|al [ pık tɔriəl ] adjective consisting of pictures: a pictorial history of Williamsburg pictorial evidence ╾ pic|to|ri|al|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English